Lunes, Hulyo 4, 2011

Godswar with Niro

Welcome to my blog my name is Niro, 14 years old and currently a sophomore at Colegio San Agustin BiƱan.  My hobbies are basketball, drawing and most especially playing the computer which is what I do mostly at my free time.  My favorite subject is Computer and when I grow up I want to be a Computer Engineer.  When I grow up I want to program games especially MMORPG games which stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. 

Welcome to my blog, and I will show you the wonders of my favorite MMORPG game 'Godswar'.

Godswar is a game where you kill monsters and other players to level up and have reputations/titles.  In this game, it's not only about the levels but also the equipment your character is using.  Gold and silver, also known as the money in the game, are also very important factor because without it you're nothing.  Making money here is very hard that's why some people buy Gold with the use of their credit cards or real money.  My way of making myself rich in the game is by boss hunting, bosses drop rare items which you can get and then sell on a high price but it is very time consuming.

What I like about Godswar is that you don't need to download it like other games, it's just on Facebook.  And also when you get strong, some people might idolize you and sometimes envy you.  I like games like that where you can show off your hard works and effort.  One more thing, in playing Godswar one must be a very good listener when people gives you tips, you'll need it.  And as much as possible I suggest new players to always look at the forums, especially when having problems with quests, game problems and even bug and glitches.  Or you can even post your own topic just for fun.

In Godswar there are two factions the Sparta faction and the Athens faction.  Both factions goal is to be better than the other faction.  And the way of solving this is by war.  Players from Sparta and Athens fight against each other in battlefields, cross-server arenas, event places and much more.  Some strong players from each faction even charged from their faction base to their enemies base which is quite hard for some players because of all the guards guarding each portal, the guards are not real players they are computers that automatically kill players that are not from their faction.

Another way of showing how strong your faction is by seeing the levels of each guild in the faction, the maximum level of guilds are 12 and the maximum players in one guild is about 130.  Guilds are composed of the Leader, Vice-Leader, Directors, Members and Insiders.  Here are some pictures of Guilds, this guilds are quite strong especially the second one which says Top Greek Guild which mean they are the strongest among all the guilds in their server which is a very nice title to keep.

Another thing in Godswar is that you mostly waste time in walking because some places are quite far which is very time consuming if you walk.  That's why there are mounts and portal scrolls which makes it faster, easier and more convenient for the players.  Here are some pictures of the epic mounts in Godswar.

That's all for now hope you enjoy my guide and I hope to see you soon!  Maybe one day you'll be the strongest one in your server but most especially don't forget to have fun, slow down once in a while it's not always about leveling it's also about the friends that you can have encounter so once again enjoy!